July 11, 2017

Widnes Travel Information

Important Information

Major Roadworks affecting the Select Security Stadium

Widnes Vikings and Halton Borough Council wish to inform you that major road works are now underway within the vicinity of the Select Security Stadium. These road works will continue throughout the 2017 season and the local Council has implemented the following diversions:-

Travelling By Car

1. Leave M62 at Junction 7 and take second exit onto A557 Watkinson Way (Expressway)
2. Continue along A557 to junction with Ashley Way and bear right (brown sign Halton Stadium)
3. At traffic lights go straight across (signed Halton Stadium).
4. At next set of traffic lights turn right onto Moor Lane (Signposted Match Day Parking)
5. Continue along this road and take first exit LEFT into Caldwell Road and the public car park is on the RIGHT hand side.

Please do not use your Sat Nav and please allow a few minutes extra time for your journey.

Travelling By Coach

1. Leave M62 at Junction 7 and take second exit onto Watkinson Way (Expressway)
2. Continue along A557 to junction with Ashley Way and bear right (brown sign Halton Stadium)
3. At traffic lights go straight across (signed Halton Stadium).
4. At next set of traffic lights turn right onto Moor Lane (Signposted Match Day Parking)
5. Continue to roundabout and take first exit to Kingsway
6. At next traffic lights turn left in to Milton Road (Riverside College on corner).
7. At the next set of traffic light turn left into Lower House Lane (signposted coach drop off point) and allow spectators to alight the coach and make their way to the Stadium on foot (5mins walk).
8. Once spectators have left the coach please move your vehicle to the council depot which is situated slightly to right of the mini roundabout as you make your approach.
9. At the end of the match spectators can access the coach which you should park opposite the place were spectators were dropped off.

The above road works are as a result of a new Mersey Gateway Crossing (Bridge) being built in the borough. This is scheduled to be opened in late 2017

Please do not use your Sat Nav and please allow a few minutes extra time for your journey.

‘Please note:

This information will be reviewed on 1st September 2017 to reflect that further planned road works in this area.