April 28, 2023

Key dates announced for Rugbees

Wakefield Trinity Community Foundation is delighted to announce dates for our new Rugbees Girls-only campaign to increase uptake in Rugby League.

Launching from the Be Well Support Stadium, the weekly sessions will commence on Monday, 15th May 2023 from 5:30pm, priced at £2 per child, following on our commitment to the Her Game Too charter signed in March.

RugBees is a brand-new programme to encourage more girls aged 7-11 years old to take part in the sport, launched by the RFL’s National Women & Girls’ Development Manager and England Captain, Jodie Cunningham.

The female-specific sessions are designed for Primary School aged girls to be a fun and enjoyable introduction to the sport, supporting girls to build their confidence and develop their core skills such as passing, catching and kicking.

The hope of the programme is to reduce the number of female players dropping out of the sport from the younger age grades, whilst the increasing number of female participants by offering a much-needed girls-only offer. The girls can both be brand new to rugby or play for their local community club.

This is an incredibly exciting time for Wakefield Trinity as we look to incorporate this programme with a new talent pathway opportunity for girls in years 8-11, further progressing the age groups as we look to bring through and develop emerging talent within the area. 

To sign up for Rugbees, please click HERE.

Rugbees Volunteer

As a RugBees volunteer, you’ll help to give girls a fun and friendly introduction to Rugby League, working with qualified coaches and other volunteers to help run fantastic sessions that allow girls to develop their skills and confidence in a fun & safe environment.

What will I be doing?

  • Welcome girls and their families to the session and make them feel comfortable and ready to take part.
  • Ensure the girls are registered for the session and help adults register them if not.
  • Follow the coaches’ instructions to help deliver a fun and safe session.

Rugby league knowledge isn’t required, activities will include things like setting equipment up, putting girls into groups, and reminding girls where to go and what’s next.

What training and support do you get?

  • We’ll give you a full induction into your role and the RugBees programme.
  • We’ll provide you with branded kit, so you feel part of the team.
  • We’ll provide you with access to free safeguarding and protecting children awareness courses.
  • We’ll cover the cost of your enhanced disclosure check.
  • You’ll have a great support network of coaches, rugby league staff and fellow volunteers.
  • There will be opportunities to attend other training that’s of interest to you once you’ve started the role.

What qualifications do you need?

You’ll need to undertake an enhanced disclosure check and safeguarding and protecting children awareness course for this role.

We will provide access to both and cover the cost.

What skills and attributes do you need?

  • Friendly and welcoming approach – to help deliver a great experience for the girls taking part and their families.
  • Good listening and communication – to help the coaches and other volunteers deliver a high-quality session for all involved.
  • Willingness to learn – learning as you go to keep your skills fresh.
  • Knowing when to ask for help – there is a network of staff and volunteers to help you with any questions.

How do you get involved?

You can apply via the RFL volunteer portal by clicking HERE.

Sign up and you’ll find the RugBees Helper role in the opportunities section. From here, you can apply to volunteer and select which sites you’re interested in.

Alternatively, you can email development@rfl.co.uk with details of which site/area you’re interested in volunteering at. We’ll be in touch with further information once you’ve registered your interest via the portal or email.

Wherever possible we’d like all RugBees Helpers to attend one of the following induction and training days.

  • Saturday 13 May – Manchester
  • Sunday 21 May – West Yorkshire

Further information about the induction days will be shared, and don’t worry if you can’t attend, you can still get involved and become a RugBees Helper.

For more information regarding information about Rugbees at Wakefield Trinity, please email Jordan Platt at jordan.platt@wakefieldtrinity.com.