July 28, 2023

Foundation to showcase RL Programmes

Wakefield Trinity Community Foundation is delighted that we are in a position to showcase our Rugbees & Girls Development Academy programmes at our Inclusion Round on Sunday.

Following the recent success of Rugby League across the Foundation, we have put a huge emphasis on creating a pathway for more girls to get into Rugby League.

Starting with our 150 free taster sessions last year, this has been driven forward by our Rugby League & Education departments, delivering in multiple schools across the district, allowing for more festivals, whilst seeing more girls involved in the game than ever before.

Through this, we started our first-ever Rugbees programme, launched by the RFL off the back of the success of the World Cup in late 2023.

With England boasting an impressive national set-up, clubs were offered the chance to expand this even further, offering players aged 5-11 the chance to try the sport for the very first time. Now, as the programme continues to gain traction, the Foundation will showcase all the great work the participants have done over the past three months on the pitch at half-time as they take to the field in front of the Trinity supporters.

Following on from this, we will also be joined by members of our Girls Development Academy programme. Under the tutelage of Jordan Platt, the development programme has gathered momentum, gaining over 30 regular participants every week at the Be Well Support Stadium.

That’s why, following our Ladies’ game against Oulton, they will be showcasing their skills on the pitch, taking part in an internal game ahead of the men’s clash at 3pm.

The Club/Foundation urges anyone who is going to be in attendance at the game on Sunday to cheer the sides on as they continue their recent success.