October 9, 2019


Wakefield Trinity Ladies Rugby League team are holding an open trial for the forthcoming 2020 season.

We now look ahead to next season where we aim to strengthen our playing squad to complement the existing team, ready for our 2nd season in the top flight Women’s Superleague competition.

The trials are open to anyone over the age of 16yrs and will take place over 2 consecutive Sundays; 10th November & 17th November, held at our player development centre; Kettelthorpe state-of-the-art 3G sports pitch.

Registration starts from 12pm on the day with the trial commencing at 12:30pm.

The trial will consist of a number of athletic tests along with performance skill based game scenario‘s under game pressures.

Following  the trials, all players will be contacted directly with feedback.

All players are required to register prior to the day through this link >> https://2020wsltrial.eventbrite.co.uk

If you have any questions regarding the trial then please email: ladies@wakefieldtrinity.com
