Wakefield Trinity, Castleford Tigers and Featherstone Rovers will come together this summer to offer extended player development opportunities for Under 15’s and 16’s players who are not currently involved on a scholarship programme.
Aligned to the RFL’S Category 3 academy programme this project will offer further player development opportunities for local under 15’s and 16’s players with a further pathway available onto the respective clubs college programmes at Wakefield College, Castleford Academy (formerly Castleford High) and Pontefract College.
As announced in May and now with the inclusion of Featherstone Rovers, Each club will run a timetable of training sessions leading up to playing opportunities were players will be able to showcase their skills. This open access programme will provide further participation and development opportunities for young players who have aspirations to progress into the professional game, including potential talent transfer athletes from other sports.
The development sessions will run through the summer holidays with all three clubs hosting a game at their respective stadiums in a Tri-Series.
If you would like to be part of the CAT 3 Academy summer programme then please contact: james.stephenson@wakefieldtrinity.com (Wakefield Trinity/Wakefield College) – Darrenhiggins@castigers.com (Castleford Tigers/Castleford Academy) – Jamie.cording@featherstonerovers.co.uk (Featherstone Rovers/Pontefract New College)
The England Talent Pathway CAT 3 programme shows the collective commitment to the continued development of players from all three of the districts professional rugby league clubs working together.