March 20, 2020

Training Update from Joel Fulford

In a statement on Monday, Super League and RFL announced that all fixtures were to be suspended until April.

Since Monday, the players have been away from the club and have been given individual home exercise programmes to complete.

Our Lead Strength & Conditioning Coach, Joel Fulford, has provided the following update:

“Players across all age groups have been given individual home exercise programmes to complete during the time they’re away from the club this week. These include a range of sessions which have been designed to maintain physical strength and robustness until they return to full-time structured training.

“They have also been provided with specific field conditioning drills to complete on their own in isolated locations where possible, with the goal of sustaining fitness levels. Alongside this, Chris Pawsey (Club Nutritionist), has issued players with advice on adjustments they should make to their individual diet to maintain body composition.

“Furthermore, players returning from injury are working in close communication with the medical department to ensure their rehab programme continues unaffected, with certain players receiving specialist equipment to ensure they can rehab effectively in a home environment.

“We hope that from next week, players can return to structured training at the clubs’ facilities, though utilising multiple small group sessions.”