We await confirmation from the RFL of the 2024 Championship league structure and a new 1895 cup format.
We therefore expect a short delay in the drafting and publication of the fixture list. We can assure you that within 24 hours of its receipt we will launch the season tickets sales.
This should still be in the next few days. Our fantastic season ticket price points and monthly payment options are now finalised in-house. The new season ticket purchase web page has been developed and will be the on-line means of purchasing your tickets.
It incorporates a new slider bar, an innovative new feature to make purchasing on-line even easier. Don’t worry though the existing offline purchase methods will still be available and Daz and his team will be sure to welcome you into the club shop to do the necessary.
Meanwhile work on the squad and support staff recruitment continues apace and announcements will be made immediately they are finalised.
Our new home shirt has been really well received and we were delighted with the turn-out on Saturday morning. Sales are going great, thanks to all concerned, you can still grab yours in store and online.